– SINCE 1982 –
Hybrid Program – Attend In Person or Online
In-Person Venue:
Pyle Center
702 Langdon St.
University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus
Madison WI 53706
Energy Utility Basics is an intensive course on the fundamental concepts critical to being conversant in today’s energy industry. Course content is updated yearly as technology, regulation and markets evolve. WPUI has proudly presented this exceptional course each fall since 1983.
Course Summary: Participants will receive an overview of the history of the electric and natural gas industries, insights into regulatory decision-making, analysis of the current issues facing the energy industry, and more.
Benefits: Attendees will obtain practical knowledge of the operations and technology of the electricity and natural gas industries from extraction, whether from the ground or from renewables, to the customer’s bill.
Who Should Attend: The energy industry has undergone substantial changes, including changes in hiring practices. Twenty years ago, utility industry staff would learn about the industry by working their way up through the ranks. In today’s fast-moving business environment, staff often are hired from other industries, bringing along important skill sets but lacking a working knowledge of the energy industry.
Energy Utility Basics is intended for anyone working in the energy industry, including public interest groups, utility employees, legislative staff, regulatory staff, state and local government personnel. This course is for energy professionals, both those new to the industry as well as those assuming new responsibilities, who want a better grasp of how all the technological, financial, and administrative pieces of the energy puzzle fit together. Registration is open to the public.
Join us in person or online.
This will be a hybrid program.
3.1 CEUs available for In-Person Attendance.
2.9 CEUs available for Online Attendance.
All times are Central.
May include both in-person and remote speakers.
Monday Oct. 7, 2024
Overview of Electric Industry
Utility Company Models
Public Service Commissions
ISO/Regional State Committees
Tuesday Oct. 8, 2024
Energy and Electricity
Electric Utility Business Systems
A Day in the Life of a Transmission Operator
A Day in the Life of a Distribution Company
Costing and Pricing
Wednesday Oct. 9, 2024
Fixed-cost Recovery Issues
Performance-Based Regulation
Utility Stock Prices
Consumer Advocate & the Rate Case Process
Changing Customer Expectations
Overview of Madison Gas and Electric’s Renewables Projects
Optional In-Person Tour
(For In-Person Registrants Only)
University of Wisconsin-Madison Charter Street Heating & Cooling Plant
Thursday Oct. 10, 2024
Natural Gas
A Day in the Life of a Gas Company
Getting Work Done with a Smaller Carbon Footprint and Enabling Technologies
Friday Oct. 11, 2024
Getting Work Done with a Smaller Carbon Footprint and Enabling Technologies, continued
Legal Issues
Nuclear Energy
Optional In-Person Tour
(For In-Person Registrants Only)
University of Wisconsin-Madison’s College of Engineering Nuclear Reactor
- Registration for In-Person Attendance
- Daily breaks and lunches
- Monday evening Welcome Reception with light appetizers
- Optional In-Person tours:
- University of Wisconsin-Madison Charter Street Heating & Cooling Plant
- University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering’s Nuclear Reactor
- Access to daily web conference credentials
- Online access to relevant program materials
- Professional education credit confirmed by a Continuing Education Certificate
- Registration for Online Attendance
- Access to daily web conference credentials
- Online access to relevant program materials
- Professional education credit confirmed by a Continuing Education Certificate